Comments for Cultivated Arts and entertainment for East Anglia Tue, 29 Oct 2024 10:43:51 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on FreakFest by James Goffin Tue, 29 Oct 2024 10:43:51 +0000 In reply to Skye Smuth.

All names were taken from the FreakFest programme. I’ve corrected one typo (Esher to Esther, apologies) but if there are others please let me know; for Dead Name the programme has the character’s name as both Zack and Zak, so I went with the one used most.

Comment on FreakFest by Skye Smuth Sun, 27 Oct 2024 20:46:49 +0000 Whilst you seem to have some strong opinions, I think this review would have more merit if you had actually gotten people’s names correct. Whilst the thought is appreciated (nobody wants to watch a bad play, of course), perhaps you should stick to being an audience member instead of a critic, Jumes.

Comment on Beauty and the Beast by Duncan Hayler Sat, 25 Nov 2023 20:23:23 +0000 Well Mr. Goffin,
Apparently it is you who looks at 1980’s catalogues! , not me.

Comment on Uncanny: I Know What I Saw by Vicki Mon, 20 Nov 2023 18:34:00 +0000 I thought it was diabolical

Comment on Edith – In The Beginning by Sylvia Docherty Sat, 23 Apr 2022 14:54:02 +0000 The first paragraph of this review is interesting. Surely the play does what the title suggests, “ EDITH – IN THE BEGINNING”. How much do we know about this generous landowner? What kind of person was she? How was she influenced by her past experiences of life, firstly with her father and later by her short marriage to a devoted and courageous soldier? Should not these glimpses of her true life be told? We hear so much about the excavations and the important finds at Sutton Hoo. The story of these finds and the excavations are all there at Sutton Hoo and the treasure is displayed in the National Museum for all to see and hear about, but how were they discovered in the first place? It was through the determination and belief of Edith Pretty and Basil Brown and their knowledge of archaeology that treasure of such national importance was found. Their belief in what they were doing and their trust , respect, friendship, understanding and working relationship between these two people brought it all about. Truly “ EDITH – IN THE BEGINNING”.
The Play is principally about Edith Pretty and Basil Brown and it is right that the playwright “runs around the edges of the excavation” and uses flashbacks which influenced some of the decisions Edith Pretty made following the discovery.
The play shows that Karen Forbes has done an immense amount of research into the life of Edith pretty and her relationship with Basil Brown and significant, true aspects of it are presented to the audience through the talented and experienced Director Rob Little.
